Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oliver goes to the park!

So this past Sunday, we took Oliver to the park, and let him off the leash for a bit...he loved it!

I thought I would share some pictures of our fun day...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Art...or His Art

This past sunday, I was sitting in our college bible study, and the speaker said something that really affected me. What he told us was so simple, and I had heard it a milllion times before. He said, you need to give every part of your life to Christ. At first I was like, yeah, yeah, I've done that. After I thought about it for a while I realized that there are, so many things that I hold on to, and keep seperate from my relationship with Christ.

At first when I heard this I thought he was just talking to all the people who drink, party, and other things. Then I realized that its not just the bad stuff we need to give up and surrendur to him, its the good things too. Our talents, our interests, and things that are good! I think he was showing this to me that night.

During the middle of the study, a lightbulb just went off in my head, and I thought, I need to give my talent and love of art to Him. Later that night, I just prayed to God, and told him that he is the one that gave me my love and talent for art, and that I just surrendured it to Him! I told Him, that I wanted to glorify Him with it, and that it was His. I asked Him for oppurtunities to show my work, for inspiration, and for Him to lead me down the right path when it comes to a career.

I really want the work I do to be meaningful , and I know He will show me!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A little slice of our life...

Married Life,

It has been wonderful. I don't think that I have ever felt more comfortable or secure in my place in life. It just feels so right. Some may have thought the marriage came to early, or that we were to young. God's timing could not have been more perfect, of course. He has been showing us to rely on Him, and is providing in huge ways!

We have loved living together, and just getting to relax together. It has been so nice not living on campus. At first, I thought this would be a bad thing. I thought we would get disconnected from our friends, and loose touch with the campus-life. This has happened a little, but I do not mind at all. Our true friends, we still see a lot. I think when you get married your friends circle shrinks a little. I do not mind this at all! I would rather have fewer close friends any day! It also makes you appreciate them so much more!

We have also acquired a puppy. His name is Oliver, he is absolutley precious! Can I just say that Daniel is the greatest puppy dad, ever. He takes him out twice during the night, and takes him on walks,( I go too sometimes). It has been so funny to watch him, and to him spend money on the dog. Oliver is a little spoiled. The first night we had him, we all layed in bed, and Daniel and I just watched him. It was kind of like a flash forward moment to when we have kids. It just made me realize how much I love Daniel, and how great of a Dad he is going to be. One of the things I love most about Daniel is his nuturing heart. He is so good, and I know he is going to be an amazing Dad, and I am so happy that one day my kids will get to have that!

Daniel and I are having so much fun, and can't wait to see what the future holds for us!